August Review 🌻 🌴 🐚

It’s hard to believe that September is almost upon us. 

Following Helen Brown’s recent attendance at a Mental Health First Aid Course, two more Head Office Employees, Emma Thurston and Debbie Russell, also attended the Mental Health First Aid course. Both found the course very beneficial. A poignant point taken from the course:


‘treat people how they would like to be treated’ rather than treat people how you would like to be treated. This reflects that people are individuals and how we treat others should be respectful, but may be different to how we like to be treated ourselves.


One of our head office employees, Emma Thurston, recently became a host for the charity: Children of Chernobyl Lifeline. She and her husband had 2 girls aged 9 and 10 from the Ukraine stay with them for a recuperative health break. This was to give their immune systems a break from the levels of radiation still present after the nuclear explosion in April 1986. Whilst they were here they also had eye tests, a dentist appointment, a new school uniform, shoes, a suitcase of clothes to take home and a supply of multi-vitamins provided for them. Employees from head office also rallied around to make sure they had plenty of games to play with and clothes to take home. Emma says ‘the experience was amazing, the children were so grateful for the smallest of things, fruit and yogurt at breakfast time for example. They also shared anything that was given to them, it was humbling to see as they had so little. They were so smiley and happy, it was infectious, we had so much fun playing games and going on days out. The 4 weeks they spent over here will have such a positive impact on their immune systems and hopefully they will avoid the negative impacts of radiation. It really was incredible and certainly something we would like to do again, thank you to everyone who helped us.’.


If you would like to learn more about the charity please follow this link


Thank you for reading – we’re looking forward to another positive month next month.